суббота, 15 октября 2011 г.


Sometimes people feel so alone ... but waking up in the morning knows that not all so bad.But then evening comes and everything goes back again... What is it? Feeling some frustration that needs to close a person? No this is a real life and it consists of various properties of her perception.

четверг, 21 июля 2011 г.

More vids from the afterparty Club Ribeye, St. Petersburg

Photos from afterparty at Club Ribeye, St. Petersburg


Club Ribeye. St. Petersburg, July 14, 2011

It was a fantastic night in the life of St. Petersburg! Club Ribeye opened its doors for an unforgettable and truly grand performances drummer 30 Seconds To Mars, Shannon Leto and his partner DJ Antoine Becks. In Russia, this was their first gig and we hope that is not the last. After the end of a rock festival Tuborg Greenfest where the group closed the festival and played for more than two hours, which resulted in one of the best live performances I've seen guys made ​​a continuation of the show and have a grand party at Club Ribeye. I can assure you all who came to this action were ecstatic!
I want to thank Shannon and Antoine for such a wonderful night, they gave us!

And as I express deep gratitude to all the organizers of the event. Special thanks to the Ginza project. You guys don't get tired to amaze me my sense of style and always be in demand, my respect to you!

Your obedient servant, Tatiana Pochuta (@tanyapochuta) Russia, Moscow

вторник, 10 мая 2011 г.

Tomo The Real King of Monsters

Having reconsidered many photos in style of Mars Theme Nights I has understood that Tomo is simply created for transformation in any monsters and the zombie. And I want to notice it only adds to him of a certain charisma!

I believe in his image on all of 100 percent, and this most important thing. Likely he should to try play in any horror film, at least to try to carry out it in a small episode, I'm assured at him will turn out it!

 I don't know, how whom, but I personally even scared by these images a little (in good sense). I'm just lost in admiration, likely, as well of many other.

Thanks to Tomo for such unusual and sated color!

суббота, 30 апреля 2011 г.

Shannon Leto - Best Drummer Ever

Ты словно лучик света, светящий где то далеко
Ты помогаешь в те минуты, когда на сердце не легко

You as if the ray of light shining where those are far
You help those minutes when on heart it's not easy

Твоя улыбка это чудо, а в чудо верит каждый на земле
И Эшелон меня поддержит, ведь смысла нет не верить мне

Your smile is a miracle and in a miracle everyone trusts on the earth
And an Echelon me will support, after all the sense is not present not to trust me

Твоя игра на барабанах безумный драйв и позитив
Твоя отдача на концертах заслуживает слова бис

Your game on drums a mad drive and a positive
Your power at concerts deserves a word encore 

Ты наша гордость, вдохновение, мы это чувствуем в себе
Мы эшелон, который знает, ты лучший барабанщик на земле!

You our pride, inspiration, we feel it in ourselves
We're Echelon which knows you're the best drummer on the earth!

From my soul and pure heart, Tatiana (@tanyapochuta)

четверг, 7 апреля 2011 г.

This Is War

“This is a song about peace” so begins new video of 30 Seconds To Mars. And  famous quote “If we don’t end war, war will end us”. We waited this video more than a year and here at last that have waited creation of master, but alas not Bartholomew Cubbins. Yes, director of video became Edouard Salier. The band has entrusted for the first time to remove video to other person and in the near future to repeat it doesn't gather. Well, to whom that this creation is necessary to taste and who that, I'm assured, the loaded word will tell "No"! All of us have got used that director of all band's videos is personally Jared Leto (Bartholomew Cubbins) who certainly works in an individual direction and want to notice, at him it turns out faultlessly! Before shootings the band consulted to military special troops precisely to represent the American soldiers.
In my opinion video ending has turned out rather interesting.

вторник, 29 марта 2011 г.

30 Seconds To Mars at The Tuborg Greenfest

Festival Tuborg Greenfest is a bright international project of brand  Tuborg on which only the best musicians annually act. In Russia  Tuborg Greenfest has appeared in 2005, and for 5 years on its scene such stars of modern music, as  Metallica,  Linkin Park,  The Rasmus,  Jamiroquai, Fatboy Slim,  P!NK and others. 
This summer to Russia come back the well-known collective 30 Seconds To Mars where in format Open-Air will present the new album «This Is War» on the open area within the limits of the most well-known musical festival Tuborg Greenfest.
The name of their latest album  «This Is War» not simply hint on personal disagreements in group, the comment to an event all over the world  to crisis and economic shocks and a mention of notorious litigation for the sum of $30,000,000 with company Virgin Records. «This Is War» is a result of 18-month's creative fight. Fight cruel, but secretly conducted in the house studio which have hidden somewhere on the Hollywood  Hills.
«This Is War» became the basic step forward for a trio (the singer and guitarist Jared Leto, drummer Shannon Leto and guitarist Tomo Milicevich) and has confirmed their status of shatteringly successful rock group of a world class. The L.A.  Times writes about an album «This Is War»: "fighting … ominous … it's most assured a sounding album of group.”  Alternative Press agrees and awards to an album four stars, proclaiming it “creative triumph  Thirty Seconds To Mars”. Magazine Kerrang!  Magazine as doesn't object, naming an album  “the strongest and most complete work of group for today”.
Fans from all Russia wait forward returnings of band which, as always will present epic emotions, will make evening on July, 13th the real fireworks and one more unforgettable night!

Echelon, let's meet in St. Petersburg!  
                                                                                                                                                                             Photo by Terry Richardson